Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy outlines the collection and usage of personal information on our website, detailing the conditions for disclosure, and ensuring its security. We reserve the right to update this Policy periodically; hence, it’s advisable to revisit this page occasionally to stay informed about any modifications. Your continued use of our website indicates acceptance of these terms.

For inquiries about this Policy or our privacy practices, please reach out to us at


Who We Are:

AudioStar operates as a webshop, registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 88860094, with VAT identification number NL864802699B01. Our registered address is Van den Broekeweg 21-K, 7602PG, Almelo, The Netherlands.

How We Gather Information:

We collect information when you interact with our website, such as when you place orders, contact us, or subscribe to our newsletters.

Types of Information Collected:

The personal data we collect may include your name, address, email, IP address, and details on accessed web pages. For purchases, your card information is handled by our trusted third-party payment processors.

Utilization of Your Information:

We may use your information to process orders, marketing purposes, analytics purposes, gather feedback on our products, send requested communications, and manage job/internship applications.

Information Access and Security:

Your data is retained as required by law or the terms of any existing contract. We ensure the security of your information by restricting access and employing encryption technologies. We do not sell or rent your information to third parties for marketing purposes.

Your Choices and Preferences:

You have the option to opt-in or out of receiving marketing communications from us. You can manage your preferences by contacting us via email at Additionally, you have the right to request and update the information we hold about you.

Security Measures and Cookies:

We employ security measures to protect your data and utilize cookies to enhance website functionality. You can adjust your browser settings to disable cookies, although this might affect website performance.

Links to External Websites:

Our Privacy Policy is applicable solely to our website. We encourage reviewing the privacy policies of external websites as we are not responsible for their practices.

Protection of Minors' Privacy:

We prioritize the privacy of individuals aged 16 or under and advise obtaining parental consent before providing any personal information.

International Data Transfers:

Your information may be transferred outside the European Union to provide services. We take necessary measures to safeguard your data in line with this Policy.

Policy Review:

We regularly review and update our Privacy Policy. The last update was in November 2023.